In 2023, was archived. Here are some of the resources saved:
Report a problem with a footpath or a missing kerb / pram ramp, damaged road signs, or a pothole
Contact your Local Council. Usually the traffic engineer or road safety officer. You will need: specific location details (eg. Outside number 10 Main St).
– Local Council details usually available on their website. NSW Local Councils
– Use a mobile app like SnapSendSolve.
– For poholes on main roads managed by the RMS, phone 131 700, press option 5.
Report a faulty streetlight.
Use the Ausgrid street light reporting feature.
Complain about (or compliment) a bus or taxi driver.
Call the Transport Info Line.
You will need: your details; time and place; registration; incident details. (Helpful: driver description; taxi company name.)
Contact the RMS (If it is obstructing pedestrian, wheelchair, bike or bus traffic.)
Phone RMS on 131 700, option 3.
Illegally parked car on the footpath.
Contact the local council rangers.
A car cannot park or even stop, even partially, on a footpath or nature strip. It is illegal whether or not it is causing an obstruction. It is illegal to park even in own driveway unless wholly inside property boundary. It is illegal to park in front of any driveway entrance or pram ramp.
Local Council details are usually available on their website. NSW Local Councils
Consider programming your own local council(s) numbers in your phone.
Use a mobile app like SnapSendSolve (though this probably won’t work quickly enough).
Smoky vehicle.
Contact the EPA Environment Line.
You will need: registration number, colour, make and model of the car, colour of smoke (black/grey/blue), date & time and location. (Must be at least 10 seconds continuous smoke and must be NSW registered.)
Phone 131 555 (business hours)
Report a faulty traffic signal (eg. it doesn’t detect bicycles).
Contact Transport for NSW traffic line on 131 700 (press option 4). You will need: signal location (or the number on the signal box) and fault details (eg. detector on southern approach doesn’t pick up bikes). All traffic signal detectors should be able to pick up bikes if you are waiting on the centre line of the detection loop (where the two rectangles meet).
See this good video by RMS/Transport for NSW on how bicycle detection at traffic signals works. On cycleways, you need to _stay_ on the loop – if you move forward, it will cancel the call for a bicycle green light. While newer ‘quadruple loop’ detectors can detect your bike anywhere in the box, the older double loops are less sensitive and it is best to line up your wheels along the centre cut. Sometimes the best location to wait has diamonds painted there to let you know.
Traffic safety camera (red light + speed enforcement) where red light running is rampant.
Suggest a location for a speed camera to Transport for NSW.
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