Cycling Without Age Australia (Sydney-East Chapter) Rides Program: 2024 Achievements


BIKEast operates as an independent affiliate of Cycling Without Age-Australia. BIKEast owns two trishaws locally housed in a garage courtesy of Waverley Council and also supports the operations of a trishaw owned by Montefiore Assisted Living in Randwick. The BIKEast trishaws were purchased with grants from Woollahra and the City of Sydney Councils and Australian Government’s Stronger Communities Program – Kingsford-Smith.

Pilots are required to be members of BIKEast and Bicycle NSW, affiliation with which ensures insurance cover for any liability resulting from misadventure whilst supporting the rides. Pilots are also required to undergo a NDIS Worker Check, which includes a Police check. The below reports our achievements in 2024.

Windgap guest passengers attending March 2024 Danish Parliamentary Social Affairs Committee event.

More information on Cycling Without Age

CWAA program achievements

In 2024, the Cycling Without Age Australia (Sydney-East Chapter) was able to achieve the following:

  1. Trained two pilots servicing Bay Breeze, Anglicare’s care facility, Taren Point.
  2. Reached and signed partnership agreements under Memorandums of Understanding with Jewish Care and Charingsfield, taking the total number of care providers actively engaged with to 8.
  3. A grant of $1,500 was received from the Clovelly Community Bank in June 2024 allowing us to purchase a spare trishaw battery to extend the ride distances available for one of our two trishaws.
  4. Regular checks and servicing of our trishaws by our mechanic and pilot volunteer, Nathanael Dyon, ensures safe operation.
  5. No incidents causing damage or loss of property or personal injury have occurred.

CWAA program rides

Under the program we aim to schedule a minimum of 100 annual events with 3 ride trips per event. Our successful ride program during 2024 are summarised below:

  1. We offered 65 ride events throughout 2024 with 39 successfully conducted; 12 booked rides cancelled due to various circumstances including poor weather, and 14 rides not booked by any provider.
  2. Total passengers carried 363. Of these, 316 were residents in care support; and 51 adults carried being care home staff, guardians or other persons providing support to passengers in care.
  3. Volunteer contributions: In total, 14 pilots covered 1071 kilometres in the two BIKEast trishaws in 2024. Pilots and assistants time approx., 350 hours with program management time approx., 150 hours.
  4. Select members and staff of the Danish Parliamentary Social Affairs Committee visited Australia with an event held for them in Centennial Park 10 March 2024, where they rode along and met our passengers.
  5. Together with Woollahra Council, a BIKEast Seniors Sculpture ride was held 15 March between Redleaf Gallery and Lyne Park. Conducting this event necessitated a new Risk Management Plan for the route and a trial run to confirm battery range made the event feasible. Six people enjoyed this ride.
  6. A special event was held on 12 April to thank Allegra Spender, MP for Wentworth for the July 2023 AUS Volunteers 2022 Grant of $3,155 now spent, and to provide her an opportunity to see our rides program in action and chat with participating passengers from Inala and Holdsworth. That grant allowed BIKEast to provide special safety vests and purchase a marquee, with table and chairs to protect volunteers and help promote the rides program at events.
  7. On 20 September 2024 a special event was hosted for Holdsworth & the Woollahra Dementia Association, with 6 in care support and 2 carers enjoying a ride between Redleaf Gallery and Lyne Park.


The CWAA Sydney Chapter’s program of rides is very dependent on BIKEast Inc., for Executive support, funding and for member pilots serving as volunteers. The program is also very dependent on Bicycle NSW for support, particularly for insurances required to operate BIKEast’s trishaw.

BIKEast acknowledges Montefiore Randwick for its continuing participation and early support by training many of our pilots about cultural, health and safety requirements and paying for necessary police checks to allow pilots to serve adults with care support needs.

We operate under Memorandums of Understanding with care homes and care providers. Past and current agreements are with: IRT Woolwich (our 1st MoU); Montefiore Randwick; PAC-The Terraces Paddington (lapsed); Holdsworth Community; the Burger Centre, Montefiore; Windgap; Southern Cross Care Daceyville; Inala; Jewish Care; Randwick Waverley Community Transport Group; Charingsfield; Baptist Care Shalom Centre (now serviced by Sydney North Chapter). We have a number of MoU’s under offer and consideration and would welcome entering into further such arrangements.

Thanks all around to everyone involved. Without that continuing support the CWAA program of rides would fail. Its long-term sustainability will increasing rely on recruiting more volunteer pilots, donations and further grants.

Note: Any errors in Rides Schedules and in this report are the authors’, who has management responsibility for the program.Prepared by:

Adrian Boss, BIKEast’s CWAA Sydney Chapter Community Captain

Vibeke Cats, BIKEast CWA Pilot & Rides Leade