Cycling with Children

See below for our Eco-Travel to School grant

About us

The Cycling with Children subgroup of BIKEast advocates for better footpaths for bicycles, tricycles, scooters and prams, especially on routes to schools.

Cycling or walking to school reduces traffic congestion and air pollution at the gates and around the perimeters. It has short and long term health benefits for children (and parents/carers too) as well as being good for our climate.

Contact us to get involved:

What we're working on and our achievements

BIKEast Eco-Travel to School Grant


All kids and families should be able to enjoy getting to school safely. Safe Streets to School campaign LGAs to build crossings, footpaths and set lower speed limits within 2km of schools

Safe and Active Routes to School is a project involving kids, parents, schools, P&Cs and other partners to create community change.

30Please believe our residential and urban streets in Australia should be safe for people who walk and cycle.